Sunday, 28 February 2021

Simple Magick: Using Black, Pink & White Salt in Witchcraft

A bowl of salt surrounded by witchy candles and crystals

“Salt! Salt! I put thee into the fire, and may the person who has bewitched me neither eat, drink, nor sleep, until the spell has been broken”.

In the 19th Century it was believed that the power of a witch could be destroyed by sprinkling salt into the fire nine mornings in succession.

There’s an old folk saying “salt does what you tell it to”. Salt is commonly used in Witchcraft, it has endless uses.

White Salt is often used for circle casting (indoors only!), cleansing and purification:
Some use it to represent Earth as it is a mineral and can be found on Earth. 
Some use it to represent Water as it also comes from the sea.
Leave it in a bowl on a windowsill under a Full Moon to charge it.
Check your salt - salt with added Iodine is considered impure for ritual use.

Pink Salt is often used for purification, protection, and spiritual awareness:
Use for ritual bathing.
Use in magick pertaining to love, friendship, harmony, romance, emotional healing, spiritual healing, devotion, faith, self-love and compassion.
Use it to remove unwanted love spells or love curses.
Beware that pink salt can sometimes stain.

Black salt is often used for banishing, protection, repelling negative and toxic energy:
Sprinkle on to your doorstep to keep away negative energy and unwanted guests.
Keep a small bag under your pillow for protection at night.
Use around the home to dispel negativity.
Add to spring water for scrying during the Dark Moon. 
Use in spells for protection from known enemies.
Hide a small bag in the office or workplace to absorb anger, moodiness and gossip.

You can make black salt easily by using charcoal, salt, incense ash and other magickal materials such as herbs. Each witch has their own preferred recipe usually.

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Word Magick: Deserving Versus Entitled

A woman standing in her kitchen wearing a blue top and smiling at the camera

I've done a couple of posts on beliefs and attitudes within magickal practice over the past year, and today I want to talk about Deserving vs. Entitled - something I’ve been pondering over for a while.

To me, feeling deserving is important in magick, it falls under the Will part of "to Know, to Will, to Dare, to Keep Silent" - and magick is the process of absolutely believing that something deserves to happen, and then making it happen.

But “deserving” has a very different energy to “entitled.”

Looking at the definitions of these words, deserving means to merit, to be qualified for, or to be worthy of something. Entitlement is the fact of having a right to something, or the feeling of having a right to something.

It is pretty much the same concept, except there is a small (or huge, depending on your viewpoint) difference.

Deserving is being quietly confident, and has an element of integrity and humbleness about it. Entitlement can be bratty, arrogant and over-confident.

Working with magick is of course all about working with energies, so I feel that the difference in these concepts (attitudes!) is hugely important. I believe that how we think, feel and act - our attitude - is crucial. I believe that if we behave poorly and without honour in our ordinary lives, we are at risk of straying into dangerous territory in our magickal lives, and I can’t help but feel that having an entitled attitude can get in the way of successful spellwork.

Of course this is just my feeling, and my personal opinion; it doesn’t mean I’m right.

What do you think? Does having a good attitude matter? Does having an entitled attitude get in the way of successful magick? Are people with entitled attitudes more or less likely to be successful in their magickal workings compared to someone who is a bit more humble? Let me know what you think.

NEXT - Word Magick: Prayer To Mother Earth 

Friday, 26 February 2021

Simple Magick: Protecting the Integrity of Your Spells on Social Media

A lit spell candle mounted in a bowl of snow surrounded by herbs

The best thing about Instagram is the opportunity to learn, share, educate and inspire. The subject of photographing spells and whether it is a good idea or not often comes up in discussion. After all, two key elements of magick are mystery, and letting the energy that has been psychically raised go; off into the universe to do its thing.

A key element of Instagram is sharing pictures. So how do we get around this?

There are lots of ideas you can use if you really want to share that spell you just did:
Take photos ahead of time, before the spell has been done 
Take a photo of a mock up spell 
Share photos long after the spell has been carried out and the aim achieved 
Omit items from the picture
Omit spell information from the post
Use a completely unrelated spell picture. Some might deem this inauthentic, but your magick is your own to protect in whichever way you see fit.

Another common subject of discussion is altars. Seen by many as a private place where one communes privately with their gods and ancestors, how does one share, inspire and educate about magick without crossing a magickal line?

A good idea is to have a separate altar just for Instagram.

It is personal choice whether someone shares their spells or altars, and if someone has specifically stated that they’ve left out some information on a post on purpose, it’s polite not to ask.

I’m the personal choice camp.

What do you think? How do you feel about Social Media and privacy in relation to magickal practice? Is having an Instagram altar a good idea, or a step too far? Have you any ideas on how to maintain privacy whilst sharing? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject.

NEXT - Simple Magick: The Childlike Mindset During Spell Casting
NEXT - Building Community: Some Thoughts on Social Media

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Review: Do I Have To Wear Black? by Mortellus

Do I Have To Wear Black Book by Mortellus surrounded by red roses

Do I Have To Wear Black? Rituals, Customs & Funerary Etiquette for MODERN PAGANS by Mortellus

I had the joy, the absolute honour, of reading and reviewing this amazing and touching book by @acrowandthedead for @witch.with.books (available now @llewellynbooks) - it was a journey that moved me to tears on more than one occasion.

This book explores the subject of death; and our customs, rituals and etiquette surrounding it. There is a wealth of helpful information, both spiritual and practical, on death, dying, and forward funeral planning. The author writes with authority as a Pagan and a mortician, and shares her personal experiences and beliefs throughout.

Amongst many other insightful and helpful topics, this book includes:
Views on the Afterlife 
Customs and Funerary Rites for many Pagan paths 
Restorative Arts & Crafts 
Companion Animals
Loss of a Child 
Pagan Mourning

This book is a must have for any Pagan bookshelf, and I know it’s only February, but I feel extremely confident in saying that if there is only one book you should read this year, this is it.

Find out more about this fabulous book by reading the review over on the Witch With Me Blog. Get there via the links on @witch.with.books and

NEXT - Review: Channel Your Goddess Energy by Kirsten Riddle

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Simple Magick: The Childlike Mindset During Spell Casting

Spells & How They Work book by Janet & Stewart Farrar held by a hand with a view over a cemetery

There is a wonderful quote in this book ~ Spells and How They Work by Janet & Stewart Farrar ~ from Susa Morgan Black, where she stresses the importance of a childlike frame of mind during spell-working:

“In their minds, children can make anything happen; and sometimes, what the children play at, actually manifests itself in their life. This has happened to me many, many times... Little by little we are discouraged and belittled out of that state of mind, in order to Grow Up. I feel that magic is a return to that wondrous state that “anything can happen”, and that frame of mind is the one we seek to create magick. The closer we can come to that mindset, the more effective our rituals and spells become.”

I’m outside enjoying the sunshine and fresh air this morning, whilst pondering this quote. What do you enjoy that is considered childlike? Do you remember to return to this frame of mind during spell-casting?

NEXT - Simple Magick: 6 Simple Snow Spells 

Monday, 22 February 2021

Review: Moonology Diary (2021) by Yasmin Boland

The blue 2021 Moonology Diary by Yasmin Boland surrounded by crystals

As well as The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide, I also get the Moonology Diary by Yasmin Boland @moonologydotcom each year.

This brilliant book begins with astrology and the lunar overview for the year ahead, with a section that helps you understand the Lunar Cycle. There is an overview of the astrological houses, and a chapter on how to use the diary.

Each month starts off with a month to view, with the moon phases clearly marked out, and with dates and times. There is information on what to expect, how to make the most of each month, and what each lunation means to you. The diary then proceeds with Week-to-View pages, which I find especially helpful. There are spaces for New Moon wishes and intentions, and Full Moon forgiveness lists.

And can we take a moment to admire that beautiful cover?

Since I started buying and using this diary I have learned so much, and it’s so useful for organising myself magickally. It comes highly recommended by me. 

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Building Community: Witches I Love

A selection of Instagram witches displayed in a blue grid

Today’s prompt over on Instagram is “Witches Who Inspire Me”, and this is a really tough one, because I can honestly say, hand-on-heart, that every single Witch on here is inspiring in some way.

I’ve picked four amazing witches you should check out (sorry for nicking your pictures guys!) 

Daniel @theanimist_ for his beautiful and insightful page and posts

Gabi @wiccawolfie for her friendship, kindness and her gorgeous Scandinavian page

Aunt Carla @marielizzeau for her wonderful magick and positivity

Inbaal @inbaalpsychic for her amazing tarot reading and beautiful smile

There are simply too many to mention ~ sorry if I’ve missed you out - but other accounts you should definitely check out are:


I’d also like to give a nod to my lovely husband who lurks on Instagram and who has a magick all of his own.

If you’re not following these guys go check them out! 

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Plant Allies: Elderflower

Herbs & Flowers Oracle Deck being held up to a backdrop of a cemetery

The prompt for the 16th was “My Plant Allies.”

One of my plant allies is Elderflower, which is a hugely magickal plant, and which I can’t wait to see flower again. I call her the “Plant of Preparation”. When I see those beautiful cream flowers at the start of the summer I am reminded that there are Midsummer celebrations to plan, and when I see the dark purple-black berries in the autumn I am reminded that winter is not too far away.

Elderflower features as card no.15 in the Herbs & Flowers Oracle Cards deck @herbsandflowersoraclecards by @taurus_tells who were kind enough to send me one of their beautiful decks (thank you).

Their beautiful little guidebook says of Elderflower:

“There is a longing to be released from restrictive patterns, people and groups. Showing a new side to the world could confuse a lot of people, but as long as it feels right, it really does not matter what they think. There is no holding back under this vibration, so no fear as boundaries are pushed with a new start and life is lived in the way and style chosen.”

Wise words indeed.

I can’t wait to get to know my herbs and flowers better using this charming deck. It has information and folklore for each plant, as well as a divinatory message and astrological associations. Flick through to the next picture to get a better look. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Magickal Traditions: My Witchy Path

Bowls of trinkets, herbs and crystals in shades of blue

“My Witchy Path” was the prompt for the 13th, and so I spent some time thinking what this looks like. If I had to choose the witchy “box” that looks and feels most comfortable for my witchy practice it would be Traditional Witchcraft, however there is no escaping that with taking (and leaving!) what I like, “Eclectic Witch” fits the bill, too.

Learning about the customs, celebrations, superstitions and lives of the people who walked this land previously is really important to me, as is veneration of these land-based ancestors, and those of my family. Learning about plants and herbs, but especially those within my local landscape is really important; as is learning to cook seasonally, for nutrition and celebration.

I have floated between group and solitary practice over the years; through necessity and by choice. Currently I am enjoying working alone and learning more about myself.

I’m a very practical (and perfectionist!) witch, so my Grimoire is a large ring binder that I have added to, and subtracted from, over the last 20 years. I have enjoyed updating and modernising it recently.

My practice is flexible and ever-evolving. I adore the support, joy and appreciation it gives me in my everyday life. This practice is mine to cultivate, love and enjoy.

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Fabulous Folklore: The Land I Live On

The view over to Rutland Water showing green fields and blue skies

I’m a “Raddleman” which means I’m an inhabitant of the smallest county in England - Rutland - which is nestled between Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. We measure 18 miles from north to south, and 17 miles from east to west.

We are a beautiful county, steeped in history, folklore and tradition. Much of our county is taken up by Rutland Water, a huge reservoir, which is an important nature reserve serving as an overwintering site for wildfowl and a breeding site for ospreys.

Along with two towns we boast a handful of beautiful hamlets, a flag featuring an upside-down horseshoe and 13 acorns, and our Latin motto: Multum in Parvo which means “much in little”.

Our agricultural landscape boasts hills and valleys, sacred wells, a labyrinth, yew topiary, a Sheela na gig, a castle, a viaduct, a windmill, a Bede house, and lots of churches. Our older cottages are built from local ironstone and many have roofs of Collyweston stone slate, or thatch. We have lots of old inns and public houses.

We have loads of legends, most of them in the form of ghost stories and there are some corkers! From the spectral lady who walks through Braunston holding a candle in front of her, to the haunted HMP Ashwell which now stands empty and hosts ghost hunting evenings, to the magic hedge that would bow down whenever someone walked past it.

This is such a magical little place, and in every sense Rutland lives up to its motto.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Cemetery Stuff: There's No Place Like Home

The view over a graveyard in the evening with misty blue hues

For those that haven’t followed me for long, I’m called The Cemetery Witch because I live on a cemetery. Our house is the original cemetery keeper’s lodge from 1860.

Today’s prompt “Home” got me thinking about one of my favourite quotes:

“Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?” - Stephanie Perkins

I think the answer is definitely “Yes”...

Hobbit doors 
Winding staircases
Original floors
Pointy chapels
Metre-thick walls 
Wooden halls
Iron gates
Unusual visitors 
Intriguing headstones

A witchy dream come true.  But it’s more than that. It’s my sanctuary, my safe place, the home I share with my love, my first home, my whole heart, and indeed, another "person."

NEXT - Cemetery Stuff: Memento Mori
NEXT - Simple Magick: Genius Loci
NEXT - Simple Magick: Spirits Of The Home 

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Review: Channel Your Goddess Energy by Kirsten Riddle

A copy of the book Channel Your Goddess Energy by Kirsten Riddle

Today for #witchbookwednesday I’m sharing this beautiful book - it’s called Channel Your Goddess Energy by Kirsten Riddle, and it was given to me many moons ago by my lovely friend Cate

This is an absolutely brilliant book which focuses on over 50 goddesses, some of which I have never heard of before. It gives background information, magickal correspondences and suggestions for ritual, for each goddess.

Brightly coloured inside and out it’s an absolute feast for the eyes! The goddesses are divided into five sections: Earth and Creation, Sea and Sky, Sun and Moon, Fire and Ice, and Death and the Underworld.

There is a section on finding your goddess archetype and how to work with your goddess. I haven’t seen this book around, but it’s beautiful, and well worth getting if you ever get the chance.

Magickal Correspondences for Coventina - Celtic goddess of springs, wells and rivers:
Planet: Moon
Stone: Pearl 
Food/drink: Water 
Flower/plant: Hibiscus, Pine
Scent: Pine
Animal Totem: Fish, Kingfisher 
Miscellaneous: Cup, cauldron, well, spring, leaves, coins, water, pins

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Astrology: Cancer The Crab - Magickal Correspondences

A woman in her kitchen wearing a blue top and a matching flower headdress

The first Instgram hashtag challenge of the year has begun, with the first prompt being today - “My Sun Sign”. Mine is Cancer the Crab.

Cancer is the cardinal water sign, ruled by the Moon. That means we can be wildly unpredictable. Our moods can ebb and flow, wax and wane, but with considerable less predictability than the Moon or any ocean.

Cancerians are often very direct with tough exteriors, but the truth is we are super soft and sensitive inside. Our emotions run deep and we are extremely tenacious.

Typical of a lot of Cancerians, I am actually very shy until you get to know me. I hate being late, and I pride myself on my integrity. My home is my castle, and I love feeding and taking care of the people I love. I am a good judge of character, I can often see exactly what is going on in a situation, usually before everyone else, and I hate gossipers and liars.
I love being by the ocean, I am generally very cheerful and have a good sense of humour. I never give up.

WORDS ASSOCIATED WITH CANCER: domesticity, family history, tradition, comfort, security, sensitivity, nurturing, dreaming, psychic powers, telepathy.

What is your Sun Sign? Do you know what your ruling planet is? How is your personality shaped by your Sun Sign? Are you typical of the traits you’re meant to have? Tell me about your astrology and your personality! 

Monday, 8 February 2021

Spell: Personal Spell For a Difficult Situation

A pale blue candle mounted in a bowl of snow surrounded by jars of herbs and crystals

I did this spell - or at least a spell related to this image -  to help me with a really difficult situation that I’m facing right now. I didn’t anticipate this situation coming up quite so soon, and I would have perhaps preferred a different Moon phase to work with, but the Waning Moon energy is helping to take away my fears.

I used snow to represent anxiety over the situation melting away.

A light blue candle with the word “calm” inscribed on it.

Herbs arranged in a horseshoe for luck:
Rose petals for self worth, and for protection. 
Malva flowers for their soothing energy. 
Tansy to ward off evil.
Basil to attract and bring in money.

Turquoise for positive thinking, and balancing and aligning energy in relation to this matter. Six quartz points for amplifying energy and thought - six being a number of abundance.

I also did something secret to keep the spell spinning.

I’m anticipating that this situation will start to be resolved around the Full Moon. I feel so much better about it. Even if the only outcome is feeling more settled, empowered and confident, then it was well worth my time.

NEXT - Spell: Orange Charm for Courage
NEXT - Simple Magick: 65 Colour Correspondences
NEXT - Review: Of Blood & Bones by Kate Freuler

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Sacred Symbols: The Witch’s Foot

Nine gaming dice showing the Witch's Foot symbol

The Witch’s Foot is composed of three lines of equal length; one that runs straight down, and two intersecting at an angle to create a snowflake-type shape.

Its composition is such that you can break it down into several parts, depending on how you look at it. There is one central point; and three long lines, or six short lines radiating from the centre.

The pattern of the world is realised in this device. The power that flows from above, the power that flows from below, and the power that flows from the four cardinal directions, with the witch being the point in the centre.

The central line, the spine, represents the balance between light and shadow, silence and expression, inner and outer influences. The power from above and the power from below, which brings me on to the saying “As above, so below”, the idea that whatever happens in the astral plane is reflected on the Earth, and vice versa. That whatever happens in the microcosm, the world of the individual, affects the macrocosm, and vice versa. The balance in all this is the centre point, where the witch stands, and to keep this line straight and strong to support the other two lines, the witch must accept herself, shadows and all, to find balance.

The diagonal lines represent the four cardinal directions. They represent our emotions and intellect, our experiences and wisdom. I also relate these lines to the Four Planes of Existence, and to the tenet “To know, to will, to dare, to be silent”, the conscious and unconscious mind, and the World of Matter and the World of Spirit.

The witch is where all these lines meet. The witch is where these worlds intersect.

The Witch’s Foot is used in a myriad of ways, and is a powerful device for invoking the presence of Spirit. It is also used for meditation and for Riding the Hedge.

NEXT - Sacred Symbols: The Pentagram
NEXT - Word Magick: As Above So Below
NEXT - Fabulous Folklore: The Witch's Familiar 

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Review: The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2021 by Lia Leendertz

The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2021 by Lia Leendertz surrounded by herbs and crystals

For #witchbookwednesday I’m sharing The Almanac - A Seasonal Guide to 2021 by @lia_leendertz

I buy this beautiful book every year. It’s packed FULL of seasonal goodness: recipes, tide tables, garden tasks, moon phase information, Moon and Sun rise times, songs, nature facts, meditations. The front cover is always a work of art, too!

In fact, these guides are so amazing I keep them, and find myself dipping in to them constantly, and on a practical note I love the little ribbon that helps me know where I am.

Do you use this almanac? If not I really recommend you give this wonderful book a try.

Head over to @witch.with.books for lots of fab witchy recommendations.

NEXT - Review: The Spells Bible by Ann-Marie Gallagher

Monday, 1 February 2021

Imbolc Magick: 40 Correspondences

The chapel spire at a cemetery shot from below looking up to the sky which is clear blue

A blessed Imbolc everyone! And to those in the Southern Hemisphere a blessed Lughnasadh.

Imbolc is about half way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and this fire festival celebrates the very first stirrings of Spring. This period of growth, gestation, and birth makes it a time of new beginnings, and for me personally it often feels like the beginning of the year, trumping Samhain (the Witches New Year) and January 1st.

When I think of Imbolc I think of the blue skies and sunshine that are now (occasionally!) making an appearance, as opposed to grey skies. We have brighter days with a noticeable change in light quality, and with that comes a change of attitude.

It is a time of magic and transformation; and of hope: the return of the light we celebrated at the Winter Solstice is now confirmed. The Sun is returning!

Magickal Correspondences for Imbolc:

Amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise

Angelica, basil, bay, celandine, crocus, heather, iris, snowdrop

Brown, light green, orange, pink, red, white, yellow

Cheese, cream, garlic, honey, milk, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cakes, pumpkin seeds, wine

Brigid’s cross, corn dollies, dish of snow, flowers, ploughs, snowdrops, sun wheels