Monday 18 September 2023

Three Card Tarot

Here are some simple 3-card tarot suggestions:
Past / Present / Future
Current situation / Obstacle / Advice  
You / The other person / The relationship
You / Your current path / The outcome 
Your strength / Your weakness / Your superpower

Do you use any 3-card spreads? Feel free to share!


On The Potwell Inn’s blog, wortcunning is brilliantly described as “the deep knowledge of plants needed to produce a leechdom, or medicinal formula.”

One of my favourite plant books of all time is Vickery’s Folk Flora by Roy Vickery; a full A-Z of British and Irish plants, their folklore and uses.

It combines material gathered since the early 1970s, and features a beautiful array of hand-sketches and colour photographs.

It gives the binomial name for each plant, plus full lists of regional variations. The really fun bit is the folklore associated with each plant; I’ve particularly enjoyed the information on Broad Beans which are grown abundantly in my region, and feature heavily in local lore.

Do you have a favourite herb/plant book? I’d love to hear!