Sunday 5 September 2021

Fabulous Folklore: Witches' Homes

Stone house window with a vase of flowers in

I was thinking about fairy tales and folklore, and the relationship between witches and their houses.

In Hansel & Gretel the witch’s house is made of gingerbread and candy, designed to lure in small children. In Rapunzel, Dame Gothel has a house with a walled garden that blooms all year long. Baba Yaga has a cottage in the middle of a dark forest that stands on giant chicken legs; and in Mother Trudy, Frau Trude appears as the Devil through her cottage window. At the beginning of Snow White & The Seven Dwarves the Evil Queen sits sewing at an open window when she pricks her finger with her needle. Much is made of her Magic Mirror.

In many of these stories the house plays as big a part as the witch. It’s as if these houses are alive, and have their own consciousness. Often the witch and the house are very much entwined.

I don’t think this is all that far from reality... I see my house as having its own personality and character, and perhaps its own spirit. There are days when I feel held, and in tune with the (spirit of our) house, as if I am a part of its story. But there are also days when I’m just a visitor.

I also have Copernicus, my stone “House Guardian” mounted on the back of the house who watches over it, and keeps us safe. Whenever we leave the house I petition Copernicus to look after our home, and when we return I thank him. Over time I have decided that the spirit of the house, and Copernicus the House Guardian, are not the same spirit. I’m still working it out, though.

What is your relationship with your house? Does it feel like a sentient being to you? Does it have its own personality? 

What about modern houses? Do they have a spirit, or consciousness?

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