Wednesday 1 September 2021

Building Community : The Witch Aesthetic Debate

Magical document surrounded by plants and crystals

Throughout my time on Instagram I have noticed some people warning witches about following accounts with “aesthetic” which I think is really interesting.

I know the warning about aesthetic is accompanied by encouraging others to use their intuition when following accounts, and that not all Witchcraft is pretty. I wholeheartedly agree with both these statements, but I don’t agree with the idea that “pretty” witchcraft accounts hold no value - that depends very much on the message that is being given.

To me, Witchcraft is about creativity. It’s about using colour, signs, symbols, sound. So why is visual representation with clever use of design and colour - on a platform that is entirely visual, in a world that (wrongly) holds beauty as above all else - seen as a threat? In this little corner of Instagram it feels like witch aesthetic is some sort of glamour magick that will lure us to our deaths. Why are aesthetic accounts treated with such suspicion?

Some of the witches I have seen issuing this warning have, at some time or other, talked about colour correspondence. The idea that each colour has a unique vibration or groove that we can use in magick... and yet creative use of colour and design to help illustrate a magickal point is often seen as “fake”.

For many people, colour and design is something that weaves through their entire lives. It’s in the way they dress, the way they decorate their houses, it’s the way they see the world. It reflects moods and feelings, and is present in their magick. Many witches have creative endeavours outside their witch lives on Instagram (I taught scrapbooking and card making for many years). I would say that colour and creativity runs through witches’ veins.

So I ask the question - should we view the great artists, writers and poets of our time with the same suspicion? Did they not do clever things with words, design or colour?

What do you think!? Do you like “aesthetic” accounts? Is it the words or the images that draw you to a page? Is it both? Is it neither? Do you run an “aesthetic” page and have experienced negativity? Does “aesthetic” have a place in Witchcraft? Does it make you feel inspired? 

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