Tuesday 21 December 2021

Fabulous Folklore: Winter Solstice Celebrations

The Winter Solstice sun shining through the archway of a cemetery with a closed gate

The Winter Solstice - which I shall talk about more tomorrow - is a great pivotal moment. It is the line between the two great cycles of the year; the darker half and the lighter. It can be used as a moment for great reflection; an opportunity to review what you would like to achieve moving forwards, as the energy gathers and grows.

Key themes for the solstice are feasting, merry making and community, in whatever form you wish those to take. Spending time with others lifts the mood, and helps pass time during the darker, colder months, a time that many people struggle with. A festive meal, or time spent with friends, is the perfect way to celebrate the shortest day and the longest night, taking a moment together to express gratitude for the Earth, her cycles, and the passing of time.

Observing sunrise after the longest night is a common activity. There is nothing nicer than bracing the cold of the dawn to watch the Sun - raising your hopes and dreams for the future, and tracking them with the movement of the Sun. Alternatively, enjoy snuggling in the warmth of a warm bed, luxuriating in the moment, and enjoying that as your celebration. This is as much a time for rest, as it is anything else.

Decorating the house with evergreens, and the Yule tree with decorations, is another lovely way to observe this midwinter point if you haven’t done so already. The contrasting green and red of winter plants and berries are a reminder that no matter bleak things get there is life. A walk in the cold to gather them blows the cobwebs away.

Use this time for spell work relating to preparation for growth, development and abundance. As the light increases so will the potential for putting that energy into something valuable. This is a good time to help divine what you want.

If you want to mark the occasion with gifts, give one small, if possible handmade or meaningful gift to each member of your household. Gifts that have emotion attached to them, or are useful and practical that will help in the year ahead are best. A move away from consumerism and towards the themes of giving and sustainability are best.

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