A huge part of my magical practice has been
celebrating and worshipping in the presence of huge ancient megaliths... Sacred
stones have borne witness to my spiritual devotion many times over the years.
Stone circles have been an obsession since I visited Avebury Stone Circle as a child.
I was immediately captivated and enchanted, energised and enthralled; a feeling that has never left me, and is always present whenever I visit a stone circle, burial chamber, or dolmen.
I have been lucky enough to visit many stone circles around the UK, including the Stones of Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar in Orkney.
I feel happiest with my face touching cold stone, with the wind in my hair, and the sun in my eyes.
NEXT - Personal Magick: Circle
NEXT - Fabulous Folklore: The Hurlers on Bodmin Moor
NEXT - Fabulous Folklore: Nine Ladies Stone Circle
Stone circles have been an obsession since I visited Avebury Stone Circle as a child.
I was immediately captivated and enchanted, energised and enthralled; a feeling that has never left me, and is always present whenever I visit a stone circle, burial chamber, or dolmen.
I have been lucky enough to visit many stone circles around the UK, including the Stones of Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar in Orkney.
I feel happiest with my face touching cold stone, with the wind in my hair, and the sun in my eyes.
NEXT - Personal Magick: Circle
NEXT - Fabulous Folklore: The Hurlers on Bodmin Moor
NEXT - Fabulous Folklore: Nine Ladies Stone Circle