Saturday 10 September 2022

Fabulous Folklore: Hecate on the Hell Staircase

Hecate image featured on the painted Hell Staircase at Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

This blurry image is Hecate and is part of a huge mural at Burghley House, Stamford, Lincolnshire. The mural covers the ceiling of what is known as the Hell Staircase, and was the last commission of Antonio Verrio (1636-1707), a Baroque mural painter who served the Crown over a thirty year period.

The impressive staircase portrays Hell as a fiery, gaping mouth of a huge cat. Spilling from its mouth are tormented souls, and there is an appearance from the Grim Reaper, who grapples his scythe. There is an equally beautiful Heaven Room, where gods and goddesses from ancient mythology mingle and socialise. It is here that we learn of Venus and Mars’ adultery.

I love that Hecate was included in the Hell ceiling mural.  She was a Titan goddess of great honour in Ancient Greek religion; presiding over sorcery and spells. She was associated with crossroads, light, necromancy, the Moon, ghosts and Witchcraft; amongst other things. She witnessed the abduction of Persephone to the Underworld and searched for her. It is hard to know what she is doing in the mural, but she seems to be pointing the way.

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