Tuesday 26 April 2022

Fabulous Folklore: Haunted Houses

Lavender coloured bedroom showing a black bed with a fairy eiderdown, white bedside table and fairy lights

You guys often ask me to ask me to share pictures of the inside of our home - here is a snapshot of part of my bedroom. The walls are a delicate lavender colour, which I adore, but it’s really cold in this part of the house, so I don’t hang out here as often as I’d like.

We are often asked if our house is haunted, and I understand this as we do live on cemetery grounds. Our bedroom is only one of two parts of the house where I believe I have sensed a spirit; and both those occasions were when we first moved in. People are often surprised ~ and disappointed ~ when I say our home is not particularly haunted. If you think about it, a cemetery is where people are laid to rest, and so it’s actually a very peaceful place. The house feels very calm and serene, and it is no different at night.

I have lived in a house with a negative spirit, which we coped with, but it did make me wonder what we might be letting ourselves in for when we bought this house. I reasoned that the people who lived here before had been here years, so it would probably be ok. And it was.

Have you ever lived in a haunted house, or had an experience in one? I would love to hear your spooky stories!

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