Sunday 6 March 2022

Fabulous Folklore: My Personal Story About Talking Trees

Tree shadows on a bright green lawn

I thought I’d share a story I told back in 2020. It’s a very personal story about a tree.

It’s not the tree whose shadow is featured in the picture, but a beautiful Oak I met on a sacred site many moons ago. I say “met” because this is where it gets interesting. The tree spoke to me.

Before I go any further, I’d like to point out that I know this story will sound far-fetched to some, and that by omitting certain details detracts from its credibility; but I must recall the story in the way that feels right.

I was visiting a hill fort at a particularly difficult time in my life, but I was making the most of the beautiful day I had been gifted. The Sun was shining, the birds were singing, and despite things being tricky, I was otherwise enjoying life.

My then-partner wandered off to look at something, and I made my way over to the most beautiful of Oaks. I wanted to stand beneath it, touch its bark, and connect in with it; this majestic being.

I cuddled the tree with my arms, and said hello. In my mind I told the tree how beautiful it was, and I was relaying some one-sided chatter before asking the tree what I should about my current situation. I never expected an answer. It was at once the voice in my mind, but also the voice of something ~ someone ~ else, too.

I decided my imagination was playing tricks on me, but I was aware that there was no way I could think and talk inside my mind at the same time. I did what I think anyone else would do, and I asked their name, which the tree told me. Please do not ask me to repeat the name, because I have promised to keep it a secret.

We conversed a little longer, but not wanting to be greedy or “push my luck” I thanked the tree for its insight, and ended the conversation. I stayed a little longer under the tree, happy but stunned, before moving on. An experience I will never forget, but one I no longer find extraordinary - several plants have revealed information about themselves since.

When I got home I was shocked to discover that I could not find anything under that name on Google.

Has anything unexpected like that ever happened to you? Tell me your witchy stories.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm delighted to come across your post. I'm just about to release an episode on this subject. My Podcast is The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast. I interview a woman who had a beautiful experience with a talking tree as a child. As it happens a gnome (and some other beings) was present but she felt the conversation took place with the tree. I'd love to hear what you think of the episode. All being well I'll release it tomorrow night at 8pm. Best wishes, Jo


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