Friday, 11 August 2023

Simple Magick: Power Flow for August

View of the fields over the English Countryside through the branches of a tree

Each month of the year has a different energy and focus.

August is all about enjoying the sun and the vitality of good health. Enjoying friendships and relationships. Reaping and harvesting the fruits of your labour, and just rewards - whether good or bad.

What do you associate August with?

Remember that magickal associations are forged through the connections we make with our magickal tools/relationships- your correspondences may look quite different to mine.

NEXT - Intention: I Call Back My Power
NEXT - Lughnasadh Blessings: Welcoming The Harvest 

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Intention: I Call Back My Power

White words on a black background encouraging the witch to call back their power

In this moment, I call back my energy and power from all people, places, realms, entities, dimensions and situations that have been draining me; intentionally or otherwise. I call back my energy and power; and stand firm. Safe, sovereign, balanced, calm and protected. And so it is.

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Simple Magick: The Shadow

The Shadow of a woman waving reflected onto a gravel surface

The Shadow is the psychological term for everything we can’t (or perhaps won’t) see in ourselves. You can no more get rid of this inner shadow than you can avoid casting an outer shadow into the sunlight, but you can work on it.

It is hard to see one’s own Shadow; because it is comes naturally to want to deny anything unflattering or difficult.

Whilst avoiding this side of our being we actually stunt our opportunity for growth and development; and in expending energy avoiding our true selves, we often miss the positive attributes of our personality.

Exploring The Shadow can lead to greater authenticity, which in turn leads to greater happiness, fulfilment, and creativity.

I have been doing a lot of work on my Shadow over the years. I am learning to love every part of myself, as I stumble through each situation and experience. I know my flaws, and I know they make me innately human. Whilst I don’t always get it right I AM trying my best; which means I am free to live my life and be happy.

Do you do any shadow work?