Wednesday 11 May 2022

Simple Magick: Repeating Spell Work

Three black candles connected by red thread burning on a brass dish surrounded by rosemary

I have been taking magick classes with Crow (@marget.inglis_witchcraft) and while we were revisiting binding and cord cutting, an interesting discussion came up.

Sometimes, people or situations that have had great power over you will return to you after taking magickal steps to stop them.

People won’t necessarily (consciously) know that you have taken measures to stop their harmful behaviour and/or distance yourself from them, but they may be drawn to you again.

People who thrive off the energy of others, their shitty behaviour, or what they are getting from a particular situation may notice that something is gone, something has changed. Consequently, they may clamber to get it back.

Let’s set the scene. After much deliberation to take action, you spend hours planning a deeply layered spell. You choose the right time and moment, make your preparations, and invest a great deal of energy into performing your magickal working, knowing that you have done everything you should. All seems to be well, the spell seems to have worked - and then this person pops up again, sometimes behaving worse than they did before.

This does not mean your magick has been useless - sometimes it’s quite the opposite! It can mean you have done a really good job, good enough for the person in question to notice that something is different.

What is the magickal answer?

Revisit your spell-work. Do it again. Repeat the process as before. You may have to repeat your magickal working several times.

That’s not to say that this is always the case. In many instances your magickal working will be successful first time around, it depends on the situation and how much the other person (and perhaps yourself!) are invested in the situation. 

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