Today’s topic is “courage”, which is defined as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain etc. without fear; bravery.”
But what else is courage? I spent some time thinking about this in relation to my life and craft.
I decided that, for me, courage is:
Being your authentic self.
Acting in accordance with your beliefs, especially in the face of criticism.
Being honest with yourself, and others.
Stepping out of your comfort zone; trying new things without fear of failure.
Commitment to the development of oneself; undertaking Shadow Work.
Dedication to your path.
Having integrity.
Knowing and accepting there aren’t enough lifetimes to learn all is there is to know, and being ok with that.
Loving, honouring, and respecting yourself, the way we do others.
What do you think courage is?
Magickal Correspondences for Courage
Borage, Rosemary, yarrow
Carnelian, bloodstone, aquamarine
Carnelian, bloodstone, aquamarine
Red, dark red
Red, dark red
Edelweiss, protea, thyme
Edelweiss, protea, thyme
Athena (Greek), Bellona (Roman), Inanna (Sumerian)
Athena (Greek), Bellona (Roman), Inanna (Sumerian)