Sunday, 29 December 2019

Recipe: River Cottage Rosehip Syrup

Close up of several red rosehips in a bush

Rosehips are a great source of Vitamin C, and have been found to benefit those who suffer with osteoporosis. It is also used orally to treat stomach problems, infections, obesity, and applied to the skin for stretch marks, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these other uses.

Aluminium is found to react with rosehips, so it’s important to take rosehip two hours before or four hours after antacids. There are also other medicines that interact with Rosehip (Oestrogen, Fluphenazine, Aspirin, Lithium, Warfarin), so please make sure you do your research before you use it.

River Cottage Rosehip Syrup:
Sterilise a couple of bottles and vinegar-proof screw-tops or stoppers by washing thoroughly in hot soapy water, rinsing well, then putting them on a tray in a low oven (at 120°C/Gas 1⁄2) to dry out and heat up.

Roughly chop the rosehips in a food processor in batches, then transfer to a large saucepan and add 1.25 litres water.

Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for around 15 minutes.

Strain through a double layer of muslin, letting the pulp sit for a good half hour so that all the juice passes through.

Wash out the muslin, or cut a fresh piece, fold to double it and pass the strained juice through it again.

Measure the rosehip juice into a large saucepan.

For every 500ml, add 325g sugar.

Heat slowly, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved, then bring to the boil and boil for 3 minutes, skimming off any scum if necessary.

Decant immediately into the prepared bottles and seal.

Label when the bottles have cooled completely.

Use within 4 months and refrigerate once opened.

Try it for breakfast trickled over porridge, pancakes, drop scones, or eggy bread; use it to sweeten plain yoghurt (with some chopped apple if you like); or for a delicious pud, trickle it on to hot or cold rice pudding or good vanilla ice cream.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Spell: Protective Bell Spell

Silver bell by wicker basket and red roses

Consecrate your bell(s) by passing through the smoke of incense. Use Dragon’s Blood, Cinnamon, or some other protective herb.

Charge the bell by holding it in your hands. Speak to the bell, telling it of your goal.

Put the bell in the corner of the room to be protected. You may wish to do this spell before doing other spells - using the bell to protect you in your spell-working room.

The bell will ring to warn you when danger appears. If you have more than one bell in the room, you will be aware of what direction the danger is coming from.

If the bell rings be sure to cleanse it and recharge it.

Repeat the ritual after emergencies, and as maintenance, whenever you feel the bell needs a recharge.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Natural Remedies: 6 Ways With Lavender Essential Oil

Woman's hand holding a purple bottle of lavender essential oil to a backdrop of red roses

As a qualified Clinical Aromatherapist I am often asked ‘what’s your favourite oil?’. I suspect that when people ask me that they’re waiting for an exotic answer. There are so many beautiful smelling oils, with various applications, however there is one oil that is gentle, soothing, and has a myriad of uses: Lavender.

I love Lavender. I use it in the mop bucket, on our bed sheets to aid sleep, on spots (it kills bacteria), and on a tissue in the bottom of our bin to countera
ct bad smells.

There are so many uses for Lavender!

Add a few drops to a clean cloth and put in your tumble drier - instant fragrance and deodorising.

Use 4-6 drops in a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head as a cold/flu treatment.

Add a few drops to a cotton wool ball and use in your wardrobe as a deterrent to insects and moths.

Put on a splinter to reduce swelling - the splinter will come out more easily.

Use as a perfume - dab behind the ears and on wrists (Lavender and Tea Tree are the only safe oils to use neat on the skin).

Eliminate pet smells from carpets - add to baking soda, sprinkle, leave for 30 minutes, then vacuum

Lavender might not be the most exciting oil, but it is definitely the most helpful. It is the one oil I can’t live without, and the one that is guaranteed not to be wasted. .

What is your favourite essential oil and why?